Visit Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg
If you want to visit Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg you must know a little about its history. Touring the Fortress of San Pedro and San Pablo is a golden opportunity to see one of the most recognized tourist symbols of the city and the world. Tour in the Fortress of San Pedro and San Pablo with our expert guides in Spanish.
The fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul among other points of interest has a special place for every person visiting St. Petersburg.
Before touring the Fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul, you should keep in mind that it was the first construction of the city of St. Petersburg, and obviously we can say that this city began in this same place, it is its historical heart.
The fortress was built on the island of Záyachi in 1703 by the order of Emperor Peter I the Great.
Inside the fortress there are different important buildings among others The Cathedral of San Pedro and San Pablo about which we will tell you in this article.
The Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in St. Petersburg
Visit the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg where the story begins in 1703, when with the foundation of the city of St. Petersburg on Zayachi Island by the order of Peter the Great, the wooden church was built in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul. Ten years later, according to the project of the architect Domenico Trezzini, in the same place the Cathedral of San Pedro and San Pablo was placed, on the same day as the Birthday of Pedro I. After 8 years, the external works were finished.
The bells were brought from Holland. In the creation of the iconostasis, the architect Zarudny and the painters Ivanov and Telega worked for 4 years. And finally on June 28, 1733 on the eve of the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, the church was solemnly consecrated. The cathedral was built for 19 years (1712-1733) with the close participation and attention of emperors and empresses like Pedro I, Catalina I, Pedro II and Anna Ioannovna.
We go back in history because in the year 1756, the temple caught fire because of lightning, the capital and the bell towers were damaged and quite serious. In the years 1757-1758 the wooden constructions of the capital were replaced by the metal ones made by the architect Zhuravsky. Only 20 years later the clock was reinstalled, and every hour they played the melody of the national anthem.
In 1924, the Cathedral became a museum, but since 1999 the Cathedral again began to do religious masses.
The dome chapel has very interesting legend. The spire on the dome was installed in the year 1723. The height of the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul is 122.5 meters, the height of the spire: 40 meters. The spire is decorated with a weather vane in the form of a flying angel. Its height is 3.2 meters, the wingspan is 3.8 meters. To brown the angel spent more than 8 kilograms of red gold. But unfortunately during the storm in 1756, the weather vane was badly damaged. And then the roofer Peter Telushkin decided to fix the angel, climbing into the chapel with just one rope. The brave act became known by Emperor Peter I and he allowed the master to drink in any tavern of the Russian Empire at the expense of the state treasury.
In the 90s of the twentieth century, restaurateurs arranged the figure of the angel, rising to him in helicopters.
Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul interiors
Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul has majestic interiors, no doubt. The interior of the cathedral resembles the great hall of the palace. The paintings on the walls were created by famous artists of those times such as Matveev, Gzel and others. Carved iconostasis is performed in the form of a triumphal arch (Zarudnyi project); and icons for the iconostasis were made by the Moscow master Pospelov. In front of the altar is a magnificent golden chair, decorated with statues of the two Apostles: Perdo and Pablo. The royal place is decorated with a carved golden crown and crimson velvet.
The cathedral became a monument of Russian military glory. Here the military trophies of the Russian army were kept for a long time.
Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul Burials
From the beginning of the construction of the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Peter the Great decided to turn it into a mausoleum for the entire dynasty. Create here the pantheon of the Russian tsars. Since the summer of 1708; Although the church was not built until the end, the burials have already begun. Here are all the Russian kings of the Romanov dynasty, except Peter II and Ivan VI. Peter the First is buried near the southern wall of the cathedral.
At the end of the 19th century there were already 46 graves in the temple, and there was almost no room for new burials. For this reason in 1896 near the cathedral, they built the great sepulcher.
In the temple, they have never done ceremonies such as wedding or baptism. Burial was also done only for deceased members of the imperial family and for the commander of the fortress.
In the year 1917, by the order of the provisional government; all the values of the church: icons, lamps, gold, silver and bronze of the Serious crowns; Gold, silver and porcelain were removed and packed in boxes and sent to Moscow. Its history and future destiny since those times is unknown.
In the summer of 1998, on the 80th anniversary of the execution of Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, his children and servants were organized to bury his remains. The last emperor of Russia and his family, now canonized, were buried in the chapel of Catherine of the Cathedral
In September 2006, the remains of Empress Maria Feodorovna are buried again; near the tomb of her husband, Emperor Alexander III.
Recently, those who wish to know more about the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul can climb the bell tower, climbing 42 meters to learn the history of the fortress; See the unique bell tower and carillon: a musical instrument with a keyboard and a system of 51 bells. Today climbing the bell tower allow no more than 60 people a day.
No doubt to know a place with the history so deep; and to know more about the history of St. Petersburg in general; We invite you to our St. Petersburg Tours in Spanish, where we tell you everything, not only about the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul; but also about the most important places in the capital of northern Russia.
Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul schedules
The schedules of the Cathedral of San Pedro and San Pablo is:
The cathedral is open every day from 10 am to 6 pm, Wednesday free day
The territory of Zayachi Island can be visited every day from 06:00 to 21:00
The territory of the Fortress of San Pedro and San Pablo (within the walls of the fortress) is open every day from 9.30 to 20.00
Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul location
The nearest metro station to reach the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul is Gorkovskaya.
If you want to take a tour in the Fortress of San Pedro and San Pablo you can contact us.