Useful information

Useful information about Russia

All you need to know before traveling to Russia: History, culture, people, customs, food, Visa, economy, currency, souvenirs, superstitions, relationships and future of Russia.

We offer all information about Russia in a didactic and practical format.

Useful information about Moscow

If you wish to travel to Moscow, you must know some details that will help you on your trip to this city:
History, accommodation, transport, weather, restaurants, museums, shows and other information of interest.

Check out all you need to know Moscow and prepared a comprehensive travel.

Useful information about Saint Petersburg

If you wish to travel to St Petersburg, you must know some details that will help you on your trip to this city: History, accommodation, transport, weather, restaurants, museums, shows and other information of interest.

Useful information about other places in Russia

Here you will find comprehensive and detailed city information other Russian cities:
Sergiev Posasv, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Kazan, Altay, Sochi, Kizhi and Solovetskie Islands, Krimea, Vologda, Ekaterinburg, Valaam, Russian Natural parks, cruises on the Russian rivers and elsewhere in Russia.


On this page you will find all the information needed to travel to Russia, all you need to know about Russia, its culture its people.

We hope you enjoy all the information and details.