Russia’s capital city, Moscow is one of the largest and most important cities in the world.
Moscow is definitely an incredibly rich and varied city, economic, industrial, technological, artistic, gastronomic and cultural expressions thousand other things, which has been developed over many centuries, with a checkered history, invasions, development, successes and failures, but extremely interesting.
While it is difficult to give an exact date for the emergence of Moscow, it is usual to refer to 1147 as the year when Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded what would now be the capital of Russia.
It is said that on the way to one of his trips, Yuri came to a small town, and feeling badly treated at the scene, ordered to execute the lord of the village and took place under its control.
What is certain is that archaeological studies in Moscow, say they have already had a settlement to the eleventh century.
The place was located in a strategic area perfect and remained in commercial areas to the Volga, Oka and Dniestr rivers, so the development of “Moskov” was swift and successful, which led to Yuri build a small fort wood to protect the place.
Later this fortress would become the Kremlin now. But the odds were immediate, and from his foundation Moscow was under siege of the Golden Horde, Tatars and Mongols, and that with its great development, the city was a very attractive target.
In fact it was burned by these invaders twice, which made one of Moscow city emblem in the collective ideology of Russian as an icon against alien invasions.
The golden age of Moscow Ivan III succeeded as it was His reign During the citykremlin and laughed That became the capital, but later Peter the Great would move the capital to St. Petersburg, which he failed to downplay or glory to Moscow, whichHe remained a strategic point in the trade, and even remained the place of coronation of the monarchs.
It was with the Russian Revolution of 1917 which marked the beginning of the Soviet era Moscow again the Russian capital, after the Bolsheviks decided to establish its central government in place in this city of St. Petersburg.
During this period they achieved some of his most important pieces, like the famous meters.
Despite the ravages of the Second World War, Moscow managed to stay strong and upright, in constant expansion and growth and has become an impressive resort.
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