Other Information St. Petersburg

PeterhofAs tourists, we need all possible information when visiting a country that is foreign to us. The tips are never over, so if you are planning to visit St. Petersburg Consider these observations will generally also serve on any trip you make as a tourist.

SAFETY: Stay alert, especially in crowds and at night. Watch your belongings, keep your money hidden and do not display. It is better to be cautious rather than avoid a bad time. It costs nothing to ensure cameras and cell phones and alert. Porte your documents with you but only when necessary. In short, remember that there is crime in every major city in the world, just beware as he does in his hometown.

TAXIS: it will be useful, but be sure to set the rate beforehand to prevent abuse. In almost all cases the operators speak Russian only, so you will help to contract the service through your hotel or colleague who speaks the language.

DOCUMENTATION: A good idea to keep copies of your passport and other documents to avoid the risk and problems that would lead to losing.

MONEY: Most establishments prefer to receive payments in rubles, the official currency. Get reliable change in establishments like banks, exchange houses, the hotel, etc.

Another option that may be practical is the international credit card, but note that some shops and restaurants receive only cash. To avoid problems and bad times, always consult before sitting at the table in a bar or products before choosing a store.

COMMUNICATIONS: Make sure you know the prefixes of the cities to let them visit their relatives and contacts in their home. If you own a cell phone, refer to the geographical coverage and rates before traveling to avoid unpleasant surprises.

The area code is 812 in St. Petersburg, and the country code for Russia is +7 (007).

In many places, including the airport, Wi-Fi. Usually there is also in cafes, restaurants, bars, hotels, etc. Look for the sign on the door indicates the establishments.

LANGUAGE: most speak only Russian language, Russian. But in the tourism sector, most staff in hotels, museums, theaters and restaurants can communicate in English. If you know English you can handle comfortably. If you need directions, look for young people: it is more likely to know English and can understand. For your excursions we recommend hiring a guide in Spanish. This avoids problems and help you more fully enjoy your journey through St. Petersburg.

Puente San PetersburgoTIME TRAVEL: If your visit is scheduled between May and July, or at the time of the “White Nights” you should make sure to make reservations. Note that at this time the city is invaded by tourists from around the world, and many make their reservations ahead of months. Consider booking your hotel, excursions, theater tickets where possible and some restaurants deplete its reserves for these dates.

Finally, and this is the most important advice: travel with the spirit prepared to soak up culture unparalleled, unique cityscapes, a friendly and hospitable people. Get ready for unforgettable days to fall in love with the city and wanting to go back.
