Kremlin Izmailovo

Vintage jewelry, lace, books, records, ceramics, porcelain, rare furniture, these are only a small part of what is rich in the famous flea market in Vernissage in Izmailovo.

With each year, interest in vintage things only grows. The trip to the flea market in Izmailovo for many is similar to visiting a historical museum. Endless colorful rows with military uniforms and accessories from the past and the last century, dresses, kerosene lamps, plates, cutlery, toys, samovars, irons, antique frames and many other interesting things are times that open before the eyes of each visitor who It is not indifferent to the visitor’s history.

After strolling through the market, you can easily find extraordinary exhibits: Singer sewing machines, wooden wheels, lamps, intricate wall clocks. It is possible to list all the treasures that the flea market in Vernissage in Izmailovo offers to infinity!

In addition to the vendors standing in the lakes, there are visitors at the Vernissage flea market who come for a walk on a weekend: stroll through the many rows, take a closer look at the products, perhaps replenish their collection or indulge in a small purchase. Regardless of the occupation and the area of ​​interest, everyone finds something valuable for them in the flea market.

Among the guests of the market you can find decorators, designers, museum workers, collectors, summer residents and new residents, foreign tourists and guests of the capital. At Vernissage in Izmailovo you can buy gifts for all occasions and holidays! It is no secret that when negotiating with sellers, the price can be reduced several times.

The flea market is located on the second level of the Vernissage in Izmailovo. It is quite easy to find: walk down the bottom rows to the stairs and go up to the second floor. Any vendor in Vernissage willingly tells you the way. Izmailovsky market is one of the four markets in the capital where tourists, especially during the World Cup, can buy antiques, antiques and modern Russian traditional products.

The market is located inside a building similar to a castle or fortress. At the entrance of the visitor there are two weapons: red and blue. From the canyons, a winding path leads to the entrance door.

Like Khan al-Khalili in Egypt, sellers sneak into the makeshift store market without buildings. Some put their goods on the floor, while others lie on the tables.

Unlike the rest of Moscow, sellers in the Izmailovsky market are well suspended, which allows them to sell their own products. It also resembles the Egyptian market of Khan al-Khalili. Market streets are dotted with traditional Russian products. Tourists can buy as souvenir the famous fur cap with earmuffs with the hammer and sickle emblem, which emerged during the Russian Revolution. Leather hats can be found in many colors, including pink and red, to suit women’s tastes. Matryoshka is one of the most famous souvenirs brought from Russia.

As a rule, it is made of sandalwood (as in the text – approx. Ed.) Or linden. Matryoshka is a Russian woman of the town. The toy itself opens like a bottle, and inside you can find a smaller toy, and even the smallest one. The market sells not only traditional Russian dolls with the image of Russian women. Some of them represent Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin. Also in the Izmailovsky market there are shops that sell porcelain, which engrave or print a collection of the most famous places in Moscow, such as the Kremlin, the Red Square and the St. Basil’s Cathedral.

Russia throughout its history did not occupy the last place in the military sphere, therefore, memories in the form of military hats, various orders, medals and badges with a Kalashnikov assault rifle are present in the market. Kalashnikov, also known as AK-47, is an assault rifle created by Russian small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov.

The machine is used by many armies around the world. Some vendors sell souvenirs related to the World Cup in Russia, such as copies of the World Cup, miniature copies of all stadiums, badges, magnets with the World logo or the Zabivakoy wolf. As in any popular souvenir market, you can always negotiate with the seller and cut the price in half.


The Izmailovo market is a famous place not only throughout the country, but also abroad. In this world-famous fair, an exhibition of artisan products, souvenirs, paintings and antiques, artists, craftsmen and masters of decorative and applied fine arts come from all over our vast country.

Opening day of Izmailovsky, an analogue of the former Russian commercial gallery, last year turned a quarter of a century. And this is one of the most amazing and memorable places of beauty in Moscow. Vernissage was originally created especially for folk artisans: artisans and artists, designers and artisans, artisans of folk crafts and other popular art manufacturers. Today in the Izmailovo market you can find objects truly worthy of being called works of art.

The market is located near the beautiful architectural ensemble of the Izmailovo Kremlin, which is dotted with bright, scaly roofs of the turrets, an example of 17th-century Russian architecture, recreated according to drawings from pre-Petrine times. This has been the case since ancient times, when merchant yards and shopping centers were built in Russian cities and settlements near the administrative center (Kremlin), where all commercial life was developed.

In the territory of the Kremlin there are many museums (chocolate, miniatures, the history of vodka and bread, Russian toys and others), the aforementioned vernissage and the “flea market”, widely known in Moscow and beyond.

On the inaugural day of Izmailov, you can find handmade gifts and souvenirs that are not ashamed to give away on any occasion. Vernissage is full of wonderful nesting dolls, birch bark products, tapestries, amber, ethnic costumes, Zhostovo trays, Gorodets toys and much, much more. In the “flea market”, which works on weekends from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., connoisseurs of ancient gadgets, collectors and simply beauty lovers can find something from the last century: jewels, porcelain figurines, figures bronze, antique toys, retro furniture, records, print editions, and much more unusual and interesting. During a walk through the alley of painting, you can not only admire, but also buy magnificent paintings for your soul or as a gift.

Mercado de Izamilovo

Every Wednesday in the Izmailovo market it is possible to see and buy wholesale or retail work of various artists from all over the capital, the Moscow region and other cities in the central region. All these products can be seen later in the souvenir departments of the stores, but at a higher cost. But if you don’t want to overpay for original coffins or nesting dolls, Rostov enamel and Yaroslavl majolica, Pavloposad shawls or amber jewels, come yourself and buy whatever you want at your own cost!

The Izmailovo market fully fulfills its mission of maintaining, developing and preserving Russian culture, crafts and customs.