Meet the most amazing volcanoes in Russia, seeing such great wonders is an act of courage for many. Russia’s volcanoes some assets are as powerful as they are beautiful. The great volcanoes of Russia where nature is at its best.
The volcanoes of Russia, like those of the world, store energy that can change nature over considerable distances, and human society can lead to collapse. Such places of exit from the planet’s internal power on the surface are scattered throughout the world. There are also dangerous points in Russia.
The great volcanoes of Russia are not only bright red streams of red-hot lava that hide the cities beneath it. The danger is the emission of ashes, poisonous gases and volcanic bombs. Therefore, such points on the surface of the earth are constantly under observation.
First, I will describe the geography of volcanic activity in the country:
The unconditional leader regarding this is the territory of Kamchatka and the Sakhalin region. In this region there is not only an absolute majority of Russian volcanoes, but also 8.3% of active volcanoes in the world.
According to the data received in Kamchatka there are 119 volcanoes, in Sakhalin region there are 51, in Khabarovsk and only 2 marine borders are found.
Among the most amazing volcanoes in Russia, it is worth mentioning that these figures for Kamchatka and the Kuriles cannot be considered exhaustive. First, new volcanoes are formed annually and, secondly, with such an abundance of exits, the counting is carried out starting with a certain magnitude of the volcano.
In June 2017, a true “eruption relay race” began in Kamchatka: several large volcanoes immediately showed serious activity, which we will discuss next.
Klyuchevskaya Sopka
Karymskaya Sopka
Sarychev volcano
Tolbachik floor
Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Height: from 4750 to 4850 m
The highest volcano in the country is among the most active today. It explodes every 1-3 years.
He can throw ash posts eight kilometers up. With each rash, it is increasing. The Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano is erupting for the past 7 thousand years.
On July 17, 2017, the hive received an orange risk level, which indicates the continuous activity and the high probability of ash emissions and the beginning of the eruption. The beginning of ash emissions at a height of up to 10 km was observed at the beginning of June and has been underway for 2 months.
The classic pyramid-shaped volcano (stratovolcano) is the most active in the Eurasian continent. Its potential capacity is one of the largest in the world.
Karymskaya Sopka. Height – 1468 m
The hyperactive volcano in Kamchatka. Its dimensions are several times smaller than those of Klyuchevsky, but the level of danger of eruption is one of the highest. Hot gases are constantly emitted from the crater of the volcano.
This is a typical stratovolcano with the shape of a regular cone. The diameter of the crater is approximately 250 m.
It began to form six thousand three hundred years ago. Even then he was very active, “awake” for more than 700 years. Then, the eruptions became smaller and all were short and not so strong. The most serious eruptions took place 4400, 4200 and 4000 years ago. The activation period ended approximately two thousand eight hundred years ago. Five hundred years ago a new stage of volcano eruptions began, which continues to this day.
The Karymsky volcano is the most active in Kamchatka: during the last hundred years it erupted twenty times. However, these eruptions were long, some lasted for years and were accompanied by emissions that followed one after another.
Next to it is the Karymskoe lake. In 1996, there was a local catastrophe: a strong explosion occurred at the bottom of the reservoir, as a result of which all living organisms in the lake were killed.
In the last ten years, “Karymsky” exploded twice: in 2005 and in 2010. In 2015, the height of the ashes reached 7000 m. As of July 11, 2017, a volcanic cloud of up to 4 km hung over Sopka, and the ash pen extended 91 km south of the peninsula.
As a rule, waking up Karymskaya Sopka wakes up all the other neighboring volcanoes.
Shiveluch. Height – 3307 m
The northernmost of the active volcanoes in Russia. Shiveluch has a great energy reserve and as a result of the eruptions it undergoes self-destruction regularly. Therefore, in 2005, the height of the massif decreased by 115 m after the explosion. September 14, 2008, the volcano’s dome collapsed, also after the eruption.
The diameter of the base of the volcano is 45-50 km. Age – 60-70 thousand years. In the fall of 1964, one of the most powerful eruptions of Shiveluch was recorded. Then, the ash column rose to a height of 15 km.
47 km from Shiveluch there is a large village of Klyuchi, which after each explosion is covered with a layer of volcanic ash. Schools close regularly here, and residents wear gauze bandages.
On July 2, 2017, it recorded multiple explosions and ash emissions at a height of up to 10 km.
Nameless. Height – 2882 m
Since Soviet times, it was known as Sin Nombre.
When the Kamchatka Volcanic Station was established in Klyuchi in 1935, the Nameless observations were rare and rampant. There were no systematic reports on the matter, the volcanologists did not even find a name for him. But in 1955, a nondescript and interesting volcano poet once said, “to respect themselves, and better not to invent.”
This volcano gave the name to a new type of eruptions: “Type without name”, recognized by all the volcanologists of the world. What happened here on March 30, 1956, was included in the textbooks on geology and volcanology. The eruption began in the fall of 1955, and its culmination was at the end of March 1956.
The eruption was accompanied by endless earthquakes and later the collapse of the eastern slope of the volcano occurred, resulting in a giant explosion. Its air wave went around the world half a turn.
In the air, he shot an ash column at a height of about 45 km. A powerful stream of debris and mud filled the bed of the Kamchatka River. In fact, since 1956 a new volcano formed here. Its conical appearance was destroyed, the altitude decreased significantly from 3,075 to 2,282 m.
Nameless is a young but very active stratovolcano. Show activity along with other neighboring volcanoes. On June 16, 2017, No Name “picked up” Shiveluch’s baton and in the afternoon gave a powerful ash allocation at a height of 10 km.
Chikurachki Height – 1816 m
Today it is the most active object in the Kuril Islands. The last activity of the volcano was in August 2016. Since then, it erupts several times a year.
The diameter of the base of the volcano is 9 km. The diameter of the crater is 450 meters. “Giant” is located on the island of Paramushir and is one of the highest in Kuriles. The smoking activity in the form of fine jets of released gases almost never ceases.
Sarychev volcano. Height – 1496 m
The island of Matua (no, not Hawaii – Kuriles) has its giant, the Sarycheva volcano. Now the volcano is in the stage of smoking activity: the gases constantly leave the crater. The last powerful eruption occurred in 2009. But this was a large-scale event. Since the ISS, astronauts have taken many photographs of the early and active stages of eruptions that have flown around the world. Huge columns of ash reached a height of 16 km. As a result of the 2009 eruption, the area of the island increased by 1.5 km², and almost all vegetation died in an area of up to 30 km².
The volcano is named in honor of the Russian polar explorer and the hydrograph GA Sarychev.
Ebeko Height – 1156 m
A massive volcano, also located in Paramushir. It has 3 craters that adorn the upper part of the volcano and in the period of reduced activity it can be filled with water. Just 7 km from the volcano is North-Kurilsk, regularly covered with a layer of ash.
The volcano is a complex system of lava and gas outlets that are scattered throughout the body of the object. A large number of gas outlets constantly emit sulfur, boron and arsenic, forming a dangerous atmosphere on the slopes of the volcano.
The last serious eruption occurred in 2009. Since then, “Ebeko” was silent. Since 2016, smoking activity has increased.
Tolbachik Height – 3085 m
An active and very high volcano is located in the east of Kamchatka, in the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. Near it live about 8 thousand people. There are no threats to the eruption, but a potent matrix carries a serious danger.
Tolbachik is a new formation on the site of a huge ancient volcano. Its characteristic is that here, in 1975, there was a fissure eruption (previously there were 2 in Iceland (930 g, 1783-1784), 2 in Mexico (1759-1774, 1943-1952), the sixth largest in the history of humanity, and 1 in 1730-1736 in Spain).
Tolbachik is rarely active, but remains in it for a long time. Since 1740, 12 eruptions have been recorded, but all were prolonged.
The eruptions of this volcano are some of the most spectacular. None of Kamchatka volcano has such eruptions. The volcano pours liquid lava flows from the cracks, not in height.
Such eruptions in a non-scientific environment are also called tourist, because they are the reason why they attract the greatest number of tourists due to the relative safety and photogenicity of current lava rivers. In contrast to the eruptions of the vertices, during the fissure of lava eruptions it is possible to fly quite close to the volcano by helicopter.
Despite the application of the latest achievements of technology, measuring instruments and techniques, it is almost impossible to determine the time and probability of the eruption.
The most amazing volcanoes in Russia are an invention of nature, some so old, others so dangerous but at the same time beautiful.