If in Russia all peoples in terms of wealth of views were like Starocherkasskaya, our country would quickly become a tourist mecca. It combines the original culture and flavor of Don’s landscapes. Many festivals take place annually in the village. General Matvey Platov was born in Starocherkasskaya and lived Kondraty Bulavin. And here came Alexander Pushkin and with his characteristic vivacity he became interested in the history of the Cossacks.

What to visit in Russia

Starocherkasskaya, el pueblo prohibido
Bailes en Starocherkasskaya

What to visit in Russia during your vacation here we will tell you. Places to see in Russia and much more here we tell you. Hiking in Russia is ideal.

Only about 35 kilometers from the Don River; in the Rostov Oblast there is a town with a peculiar characteristic, the less curious; which draws attention not only from foreign tourists but even from the same citizens of Russia because of the unusual situation.

And it is that at the entrances to the town there is a sign that prohibits access; in each and every one of them, and although this may inhibit many people to visit this city; the truth is that tourists are not lacking since it generates that typical attraction of the things that prohibit us.

In addition, people living in Starocherkasskaya have chosen to ignore such signals; since logically; They cannot live in total isolation from the rest of the country. And really; Contrary to what one might think of a country with prohibited entries, tourist traffic is quite generous. Even the amount of Russian tourists is surprising. Of course, its prohibited access is not the only attraction of this place, but also its fascinating ethnic element.

Starocherkasskaya can be considered the cradle of Cossacks; here you will find condensed all their culture, their beliefs; customs and traditions locked in a picturesque village near Rostov. Almost all the tourist excursions in Russia that include this place make a visit to the city museum where you will find all the captivating history of the town and the Cossacks. As for gastronomy, due to its proximity to the Don River, you will find a wide variety of delicious dishes made with fish and seafood.

And if the picturesque town, its quiet streets, its friendly citizens and its respectable culture do not seem enough, you can always take a tour of Rostov, where you will find an incomparable nightlife.


There are places in the land of the Don where the history of past centuries, reflected in beautiful monuments, creations of the mind and hands of talented Russians, appears before us. Such is the town of Starocherkasskaya. It was once called the city of Cherkasy and was the capital of Don Cossacks. The city received its name from the Cossacks-Cossacks: Cherkasy, who founded Cherkassk around 1570.

The surroundings of Starocherkassk are rich in history: Anninsky’s fortress, the monastic tract, monuments of the glorious past of Don Cossacks. They are located near Starocherkasskaya.

The town of Starocherkasskaya has a developed tourist infrastructure.

The streets and monuments of the ancient Cossack capital have a very remarkable feature: they lead not only from house to house, from monument to monument, but also from century to century, from age to age, each of which gave birth to heroes that became the pride of the history of our country. Here, almost physically, you feel past times and events, as if you touch the shoulder of people who lived long ago, and hear their voices.

Around 150 historical and cultural monuments of the 18th century – early 20th century are located in the reserved territory of the Starocherkasskaya bed. And the first of these monuments is the Cathedral of the Military Resurrection, built on a swampy Cherkasy Maidan. It was established at the initiative of Pedro I and with his personal participation.

The iconostasis. Resurrection Cathedral

Tsar Peter I laid several bricks on the altar of the cathedral. Tourists are literally amazed by the beautiful iconostasis with 125 icons from the mid-18th century, made of wood. The choirs of the cathedral are painted in the plots of the Gospel and the Bible. And next to the cathedral stood a bell tower of a leaning tower, in the basement of which there used to be a prison and the army file was kept.

But Razin’s spirit continued to hover over the free gift. Cherkasy Maidan made noise again, listening to his boss Kondraty Bulavin, who accepted in his ranks all those who valued a minute of his will over a year of captivity.

In Starocherkassk, a house is still preserved where the leader of the Peasant War of 1707-1709 died. Kondrat Bulavin. Several times I was in Cherkassk Emelyan Pugachev. Here, in all likelihood, his mother Anna Mikhailovna, who died in Cherkasy prison, was buried.

The old house with bars in the windows and doors of cast iron metal attracts the attention of tourists: this building belonged to the merchant of Cossacks Zhuchenkov. And a small kitchen building: they organized a variety of thematic exhibitions that will give tourists many pleasant minutes.

How to get

The closest main city to Starocherkasskaya is Rostov-on-Don. You arrive here, then you go to Aksai, and from there take a regular bus or a minibus to the village.

In your car, you must reach Aksay and then move towards Novocherkassk. In the Big Log area there will be a turn towards the town.

In the summer, the motor boat begins, which takes tourists to Starocherkasskaya from the river station in Rostov. Unfortunately, run irregularly, so you shouldn’t expect a boat.


As such, public transport in the town for 3 thousand people is not. Except there are regular buses and a minibus passes by. The town is small, it can be overlooked on foot. Or turn around with a bicycle breeze.

Restaurants and hotel

They quickly realized in the town that tourists can earn a lot of money and, therefore, took care of the service sector. Two restaurants operate in Starocherkasskaya at the same time, a rare fact even for cities. One is called “Old Town”, the second – “Starocherkassk”. The first institution is considered the most famous: it is a two-story building with summer terraces. The kitchen here is diverse, the atmosphere is almost home. Anyone fed to the dump, and most importantly, low cost. Cheers are Cossack dishes.

In the village you can spend the night in the hotel “Old Town”, which is located exactly above the restaurant of the same name, but keep in mind that there are only 3 rooms (two economic and one suite). The cost of a room with all the comforts starts from 1700 RUB. The prices on the page are for November 2019.

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