[row][col col=”6″][button class=”info”]2 personas desde 352USD[/button] [button aclass=”iframe” class=”warning” link=”https://mapsengine.google.com/map/u/0/embed?mid=zhBAQpC9PkJE.kPvb5jdGRVGk”]View Interactive Map[/button][/col][col class=”text-right” col=”6″][button class=”success” link=”#masinformacion”]More information[/button][/col][/row]
23.30 Meeting with your private guide and driver at the hotel
Night tour of St. Petersburg with stops at points of interest to take pictures
During the tour you can admire several bridges drawbridges and changing St. Petersburg including the most impressive, as the Palace Bridge, the Bridge of the Holy Trinity, Foundry Bridge.
2.00 Return to hotel
[info icon=”fa-info”]Tour Duration 2.5 hours[/info]
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