Tours for Cruise Passengers in St. Petersburg

Tour 1 día breve para crucerista en San Petersburgo sin Hermitage

1 day tour in St. Petersburg Without Hermitage

If you travel with a cruise and want to know the city of St. Petersburg with expert guides, no doubt these tours are right for you.
From23,500.0 ₽22,281 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
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Un día breve en San Petersburgo para crucerista con Hermitage

Short day tour For cruise passengers With Hermitage

The perfect way to get to know the city for people who have a short time stopover in St. Petersburg. Get to know Saint Petersburg with us!
From22,100.0 ₽21,007 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
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Dos días breves en San Petersburgo para crucerista

Tour 2 short days for cruise passengers

If you travel to a cruise and stop in St. Petersburg, we accompany you for 2 brief days to get to know the city and the best of each place.
From43,400.0 ₽40,285 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
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Dos días en San Petersburgo para crucerista

Excursion 2 full days for cruise passengers

During this tour we travel almost all of Saint Petersburg, we take advantage of your 2-day stay to know everything you need in the city.
From43,500.0 ₽41,653 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
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Discubre 2 capitales durante su viaje en crucero

Tour of the Russian capitals: cruise tour full option

Perfect option to know 2 capitals at a time. We invite you to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg in just 2 days with a guide in Spanish traveling by train between the cities.
From47,000.0 ₽45,311 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
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Dos días en para crucerista visitando dos capitales

Tour two Russian capitals cruise short option

Perfect option to know 2 capitals at a time. We invite you to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg in just 2 days with a guide in Spanish traveling by train between the cities.
From42,500.0 ₽40,226 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
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Enjoy the 1 day economic Crucers Tour

1 Day Economic Cruise Tour

The 1-day economic cruise tour is perfect to get to know the most important and representative places in the city at the right time according to your stay in the city and the best, at a very economical price.
From14,400.0 ₽13,160 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
(1 Review)
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Enjoy the 2 Day Economic Cruise Tour

2 Day Economic Cruise Tour

The economic day cruise of 2 days, is perfect to know the most important and representative places of the city in the appropriate time according to your stay in the city and the best, at a very economic price.
From32,100.0 ₽30,160 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
(1 Review)
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1 full afternoon to enjoy in St. Petersburg

1 afternoon tour for cruise passengers in St. Petersburg

With the tour of 1 afternoon for cruise passengers in St. Petersburg you can enjoy the city, marveling at its beautiful and emblematic historical sites, but always accompanied by an expert guide in your language offered by GuiaRus.
From17,200.0 ₽15,470 ₽
Precio en rublos, en el interior se mostrará el coste en euros o dólares
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Tours for Cruise Passengers in St. Petersburg

Tours designed for people who travel around the Baltic and call at the city of St. Petersburg, these tours are designed for you to explore the city of St. Petersburg with comfort, with start and return to the boat in a private vehicle.

All excursions for cruise passengers in St. Petersburg are designed so that they have time to leave and return to the ship before departure, tours 1 and 2 full days.