Frequent questions

What is visa?

The visas issued by the various delegations of Russia in the world is the document that allows the entry and stay in Russia for a certain period of time. To get it you must go to the Embassy or Consulate of the Russian Federation in the country of residence.

Foreigners wishing to travel to Russia require a visa, although there may be exceptions among some countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Later there is a list of Latin American countries whose citizens are not required visa. But the rules are subject to change, so check with your respective Embassy or Consulate of Russia before applying for visa.

There are different types of visas that correspond to the objectives of the visits. Before requesting the document must be in possession of a letter of invitation, also known as visa support, which is conducted by the inviting party (an individual or an authorized company) document. Different types of invitations correspond to the different types of visa. This is a document issued by the Russian authorities.

The prices of the procedures for obtaining the visa invitation or vary. The visa can cost up to 300 euros, depending on its type, speed of processing (1 to 14 days) or the nationality of the applicant. Usually the more flexible are the conditions offered by the visa or more urgent is acted upon, usually more expensive.

Important: Before requesting a visa if you should find out at the consulate if only copies of documents (including the invitation), or if necessary deliver the original, although it is usually preferable to deliver originales.Tipos Visa accepted

As the visa application

To arrange a visa you must go to your local Russian consulate with visa support document (invitation), your passport, photos and some documents demanded his Russian consulate.
In the consulate you will have to show the following documents:

The original invitation or fax-copy (or scanned copy / PDF) of your invitation;
Your passport (which must be valid for at least 6 months after the last day of their planned trip);
Copies of the pages of your passport;
Two copies of the form (questionnaire) the consulate filled and signed by you (link to form);
1-2 pictures (as in passport) signed by you in the back;
Health insurance;
Payment for the processing of visa

What countries need visa to travel to the Russian territory?

We offer you a list of countries that do not require a visa to enter the territory of Rusia.

Where the visa I can do about my city?

Visas are made on most of the time the Russian embassy or consulate in each country,
to find your nearest embassy will facilitate the link below. To perform this visa you need to fill an online form that will facilitate the link below, this form along with the necessary documents are submitted at your nearest embassy.
The cost of the procedures depend on the time and place where the visa is issued.

What is required to obtain visas?

Russia visa for EU citizens is mandatory, there are some EU countries which are exentos.Para obtain a visa to Russia must give:

Original and valid passport. (A minimum of 6 months validity)
Original and valid passport. (A minimum of 6 months validity)
Letter of Invitation *
Copy of the first page of the policy of travel insurance or health insurance that covers the stay in Russia **
Form completed, signed with a photo.

* If you need a letter of invitation, please contact us.
** If you need travel insurance, contact us.

Is the visa upon arrival in Russia must be registered?

The visa must be registered with a local migration service office no later than 3 business days after the entry into the country. It is a small stamp in the passport or immigration card. If this is not done, the visitor will be fined or, in the worst cases, expelled from Russia. The only exception is when it comes to less than three days. It is better to register the visa immediately upon arrival. There are different ways to do it.